Life Update: German Days Filled With Schorles and Change


Y’all. It has been a WEEK! And if you know me, imagine me saying “WEEK!” with the exasperation of throwing a handbag down on the table, sliding into a seat, and proceeding to order a rosé schorle (rosé + soda water = refreshing perfection). Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of excitement happening in my life that I’m super stoked about and can’t wait to share. But with every piece of exciting news this week, has come some form of setback, tough piece of news, or overall shitty life moment. But while I feel like my life is currently a ball of wiry chaos swirling around me, I’m left feeling incredibly appreciative for the things that keep me grounded and feeling like everything is A-OK.

For me these things are:

-The ridiculously international group of inspiring, ambitious girls that have become my fast friends in Hamburg

-The fact that I’m here. In Hamburg. A city I dreamed of living in 3 years ago, but didn’t deem possible

-My dedication to taking care of myself and being my own best advocate. (Endorphins have been keeping me sane.)

-My family, for always giving me the advice, pep talks, and flat-out love that a gal could ask for (also- my sisters make some really cute babies)


This Blog.

I know I always say that. But I mean it. This blog has opened the doors to so many passion projects this summer. This week, I received a message from my boss about having a quick catch-up call. Before answering, I quickly ran through my list of work updates in my head, ready to dive into business. Before I know it, he commanded the conversation by sharing that he had watched all 28 minutes of my online workshop for creatives, after finding it on Facebook. And on top of what I already interpreted as a compliment, he then proceeded to tell me the points that resonated with him, what he found inspirational, and how I had encouraged him to share his own passion project, which I was then walked through. The genuine energy and enthusiasm in this man’s voice, as we discussed what inspires us, is something I hope everyone gets to have one day with their boss. And how did I get the opportunity to share my message with the world in this workshop?

My blog :)


And in case that wasn’t enough to put a few things into perspective for Tuesday-grumpy Emily, here are a few other things that have been happening lately:

-I got to contribute a few tips for people looking to move abroad, on my Instagram-friend, Alex’s, blog

-Speaking of Instagram friends, I got the privilege of meeting Anna, from Alive with Anna, in real life last weekend in Hamburg! Before you write social media off entirely, I challenge you to bypass the comparisons and unrealistic photoshopping, and find the folks snapping pictures of the same things that interest you as well. Ya never know where you might find a kindred spirit, and how the world might bring you two together! Just like my blog and Anna’s instagram brought us to a rooftop in Hamburg…

And before I sign off and leave you with a few snapshots of how my life has looked lately, I wanted to say that yeah, I’m facing a lot of changes in my life at the moment, and I find a few of those changes to be a bit intimidating. But just as I wrote about in this post for Amex, there’s so much possibility hiding inside these uncertainties. And I, for one, am pretty stoked to see what’s on the other side. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to find a rosé schorle.

*Fun Fact*

Schorle is a popular item on every German drink menu. You can have juice schorles (saftschorle) or wine schorles (weinschorle). Schorle solely means that bubbly soda water has been added to the drink. 10/10 recommend ordering a schorle on a hot summer day in Germany!