How’s My Week Going? Ask the Ski Fliers.
Have you ever watched Ski Flying? Literally, that’s what it’s called in German (Skifliegen), and after the world’s fastest Google search, I determined it must also be called “ski flying” in English, and it honestly just looks like a much more extreme version of ski jumping, with skinny people in weird, shiny outfits hurling themselves (head first, mind you!) into the air and praying to the snow Gods that they’ll land on two skis, almost 400 feet below, with their bladder and limbs intact.
I mean, that’s my interpretation of it.
If you’re a ski flyer, feel free to chime in below with what I got wrong (probably everything). But as I’m sitting here watching ski flying on the TV, completely in awe of the fearlessness of these athletes, I’m trying to figure out how to sum up my feelings as of late, without sounding negative.
To be completely honest with you, today I was a grumpy monster. This past week I was a bundle of anxiety and stress. And in between these fits of unpleasantries, I’ve been over-the-moon excited that I’ll actually be going home for Christmas, giddy to be reunited with Kris, and feeling super accomplished that I’ve upped my running game over the past few weeks.
So to sum it up:
I’ve been a mess.
A steadily employed, organized, mess. And I know I’m not the only one. I sipped my coffee this morning listening to Angela Merkel reveal an even more strict lockdown (which I completely support, by the way) for this entire country, which is sure to shutter loads more businesses and leave many more looking at uncertain employment situations. I spent the week desperately trying to figure out what health measures and restrictions I need/should do in order to fly to the United States as safely as possible. Hint: NOBODY KNOWS. And like any person who’s lucky enough to still have a job in these crazy times, my work has been constantly changing depending on new lockdowns, shipping delays (massive shoutout to the incredible people working in delivery and logistics), and uh, uncertainty in general. And holy cow I know SO many people going through these exact same uncertainties. And we’re the lucky ones!
But as I saw the brilliant Brittni Bowering share on her Instagram this week, after having a somewhat rough day, the wrong response to this upheaval is ignorance and the desire to act like everything is totally fine. Because we know everything is fine. I know I’m lucky and, in the grand scheme of things, incredibly happy and blissful.
So as I sat on the couch this evening, trying to figure out how to become a better human, especially now that Kris is staying with me and my days aren’t only mine to spend and plan to the minute, like I typically do, I found inspiration from the sky flyers.
Yes, we’re back to ski flying now.
Because yes, these ski fliers seem to know their way around the skies and have no problem facing massive heights and far distances. But you know what else I peeped right before these incredible athletes took off from their starting points, high up on a hill? Their really awkward, unsure movements as they slid out from the secure steps of the waiting area and took their position to fly. Have you ever seen this before? Imagine men in armor trying to scoot across a balance beam, hundreds of meters above the earth and you’ve landed on the haphazard movements of ski fliers getting in position.
There’s really no graceful way for grown adults to make their way ON SKIS across a steep ledge, bridging an awkward gap from stair to platform, with no ground to serve as a helping hand. I saw guys scooting, crawling, awkwardly stepping, and grabbing their way for dear life, from the security of the lined railings to the open air of their starting platform. And not once did they look graceful, put together, or honestly, like they’d done this before (sorry guys). And that exact moment is when I pulled out my laptop and began to type. Because I’m that ski flier. You’re that ski flier. And right now, I think a lot of us are those ski fliers. (Possibly without the olympic level flying skills…) We have skills. We’re cool people. We’re doing good things that make us proud and help us get out of bed most mornings. But before we take to the skies and do our thing, we have to get in position. And this is where I am right now: Figuring out the best way to get in position. Sometimes it’s scooting. Sometimes it’s gliding. And some days, like today, it’s clinging on for dear life and hoping my skis don’t fall off. But the bottom line is I’m moving into position and getting ready to fly.
And as we all deal with whatever the world is throwing at us these days, I’d encourage you to remember where you fly. How you fly. And know that I’m right there with you, determined to fly and awkwardly getting into position however I possibly can.
Sometimes happily. Sometimes out of spite. And sometimes with one hand glued to a cup of coffee and one ski only half attached.
But we’ll make it.
Just like Brittni. And just like the ski fliers.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to change into shiny spandex (aka my alo yoga pants) to get into character because, this week, I’d really like to fly.
Now if only I could actually ski…
P.S. Need a holiday pick me up? My fabulous friend Suzanne De Heij, one of the greatest talents and humans that I know, recently took part in this unbeatable holiday BOP, filled with the Netherland’s finest musical stars. I have no idea what they’re saying. But it is hands down my new favorite Christmas song and is bound to bring a smile to your face.
(And if you know what they’re saying, feel free to let me know. In the meantime, I’ll keep snapping and step touching and bopping along like I know what’s going on)