Bye Broadway, Hallo Hamburg!
Hey y’all. After three (and change) months in Portugal, it’s time for a change of scenery! I’m now in Hamburg, Germany for the next two months, rehearsing and frolicking around the quaint streets (check out my love for Hamburg here), while I rehearse for my next contract with AIDA Cruises.
What is AIDA, besides a musical?
That backstage lighting
About two years ago, I spoke with my agents (SW Artists are the, and decided I really wanted to concentrate on booking a cruise contract. I’m young, have a lot of energy, like to travel, and felt held back by my equity card (blessing and a curse, I tell ya). For me, the perfect solution was a cruise contract. And it’s my understanding that in the theatre world, most singers do one cruise contract, see the world, save some money, come back on land, and conquer Broadway. Right? Right.
Now, I wish procuring a cruise contract were as easy as going to Trader Joe’s and grabbing a bag of sweet potato gnocchi. But uh, it’s a bit more difficult. I auditioned my tushy off that year, for anything that floats. I had a few callbacks, a few “we love you BUTs…” and some utter disasters (*cough cough tap audition cough cough*). And then I auditioned for AIDA. By far the lowest paying cruise line, with the most exciting itineraries, incredible people, and the opportunity to live in Germany.
I went in to the audition like every other. And I came out of the room wanting it. And wanting it BAD. You know when you have one of those gut feelings in life, that something big is about to happen? I had one of those when I left my callback for AIDA.
And five months later (things took their time) I was on a plane to Germany to start an adventure. One year later I was on another plane to start AIDA adventure number two. And here I am, sitting in Café May, across the street from the rehearsal studios, starting AIDA adventure number three.
If you’re a person who enjoys nature, harmonies, and/or ABBA, I encourage you to check out our acapella soundcheck in a fjord, in the video below.
Working for a cruise ship is a bit nuts, but working as a singer for this company, is an honor and a treat every single day. I say this not to be annoying and hashtag blessed, but because this follows nothing I ever expected would happen in my career. According to the five-year plan Ryan Scott Oliver had me make at age nineteen, I should be starring in my own Broadway show at the moment*. Oh, and I should probably be billed above the title. (Aim high.) Oh! And I don’t think many quality agents would encourage their clients to keep cruising the high seas to advance their careers. I know mine certainly had other plans. But I’m a singer with a job. That’s like, awesome. And most importantly, it’s a job that’s brought me so much fulfilment, experience, and clarity. Ironic, that a floating casino can be so deep.
la la la
I’m happy. And not on Broadway. In fact, I just moved to Europe, so I’m basically as far away from Broadway as a singer can be. But I show up to rehearsal every day to work on seven different styles of music, and I head home on a blissfully timely train, to my flat in Germany. Life is full of surprises. And as a human being, sometimes I’m naturally resistant to them. But for some reason, I followed a gut feeling about a random, mediocre-salary job on a boat, and it’s taken my life in the most exciting directions.
So I’m right here. I’m not on Broadway. And I can’t wait to share adventure numero tres with all of you over the next six months. Follow your gut, and your feelings. And those gut feelings? Hop on a plane to Germany (or wherever) for them. It just might change your life.
What was your most fulfilling job?
I’m sure there are more options besides cruise ships…
Let me know, in the comments below
*Notey McNote Face
The five year-plan was incredibly helpful, just not a fortune teller. And if you want to learn the business of show from anyone, please let it be “RSO.”